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Business Type: Wedding Souvenirs
Jalan Kaliurang Km 5,7
Sleman, Jogja 55281
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Tel: +6285725803005

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At Omah Souvenir. You will get a souvenir for the wedding, in the form and unique materials, which you do not get in any place. Omah Souvenir will always make innovations in products that offer a unique souvenir to keep as a souvenir importance in every time you.

More featured Omah Souvenir souvenir wooden batik, batik is due to the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples in Indonesia and is now recognized by UNESCO in the works and creations of the Indonesian nation. Unique and luxurious impression that more will be found in wood batik Omah Souvenir, because the work was never the same batik and hand made, which seem to be exclusive. Souvenir souvenir Omah also provide materials other unique, beautiful and interesting, such as ceramic souvenirs, souvenirs fans, souvenir plismet, souvenirs wood, souvenirs pottery, souvenir bamboo, box souvenirs, wedding invitation and others.

Omah souvenirs can also accept orders wooden batik to your liking, because every individual has the desire and different creations with others, so impressed unique, exclusive and not easily found elsewhere.
This is what distinguishes omah souvenirs souvenir shops there


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